
Those flawless and symmetric sides of mine,

With their exact angle and length all set to an equilibrium.

Present a beautiful picture of success, peace, and harmony,

To the outside world, hiding the truths within.


That there exists a sad and broken soul inside,

With those acquired odd pieces of glass of betrayal and pain.

Those pieces carry the fingerprints of mine,

Also, of the people I loved, trusted, and thought as my own.


Each piece is unique, carries a different colour,

Each is of a different shape; they represent different events.

Together they form my life lived, they are the stories authored by me,

You may differ, but they bear the spirit of that time.


With each bend my life makes me take,

Those shards form a new image inside me.

Different from the earlier, amazing, and inspiring me,

Offers a window with a mosaic pane to discover a new version of me.




Jay Jagdev | 23rd March 2024

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