From my deepest corner at my darkest hour,
My mind shudders and remembers the scar,
This gullible heart refuses to learn,
Still gets drawn to the flame only to get burnt.
Desire, I solitude, with no one between us,
With the eternity in our hand to slide down the course,
Silence, I desire to listen to your words of love,
Not to leave, to extend these hours, never to stop.
Darkness, I desire to stay wide eyed,
Not to face my situation forcing me to close my lid,
To see you primping and come tiptoeing,
To quell our hearts in its uprising.
White, I still desire for its blankness,
Because I can paint your portrait in its fullness,
Potholed road, I still love,
Each of them reminds me of your body and it's curves.
Desire I your absence for peace and vim,
To live with my situation and to live in my dream,
Don’t rethink or return to fill my voids,
Your portrait in my heart is better than what my mind remembers.
Jay Jagdev | 10th November 2023
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