
I pray thee for the strength to walk till the Lands End,

And the courage to leap without fearing what’s ahead and the height.

To glide through the small clouds of my own thoughts,

Crash into the sea and to dive deep into the depth of my feelings.


To swim under the waves above and within the currents of my life,

Throwing me around the reefs towards the abyssal plain.

With the pale glow above beckoning me to come above,

Holding my breath till I break surface to aim for the Sun.


To fly again, and float with the clouds above,

To dive into the unknown seas of travails and joys.

To leave the words of my life for the ones walking behind me,

Till I turn into the soil which will carry other's footsteps.



Jay Jagdev | 26th March 2024

JP Mohakul
Hey, very thought provoking Exploring happiness in nature and keeping it safe for generation that follows

JP Mohakul
Hey, very thought provoking Exploring happiness in nature and keeping it safe for generation that follows

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