
The capital of Odisha and a city that is still in the process of being shaped, Bhubaneswar is many things to many people. The Temple City, as it was once called, was home to thousands of temples at one time. The foundation stone of 'modern' Bhubaneswar was laid in 1948 by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It became the administrative capital of Odisha in the learly 1950s. Bhubaneswar was declared a 'smart city' under the urban initiative by the government of India in 2014. Bhubaneswar, one of the two capitals planned after independence, is today a vibrant city in Odisha with an equally vibrant culture. With a population of one and a half million, Bhubaneswar has become known as one of the most happening cities in Eastern India. India's evolving urban landscape places the city among its upcoming metropolises. The book has essays on different aspects of Bhubaneswar written by scholars of standing. From temples to town planning, from becoming India's sports capital to urban living, from culture to literature, and from business to education, the book says it all. It is a compilation of all that has happened over the past 75 years. A 'portrait' of the city is presented in the book.

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